One of his primate advisers notes that only Daoist immortals and Buddhist saints can avoid death, and so he suggests the king find a transcendent to teach him the secrets of eternal life. He rules the mountain for nearly four centuries before the fear of death finally creeps in.

The Stone Monkey happens upon other primates on the island and becomes their king when he proves himself in a test of bravery by blindly leaping through a waterfall and discovering a long-forgotten immortal’s cave. The light soon subsides, however, once he ingests food for the first time. The light is so bright that it reaches heaven, alarming the August Jade Emperor ( Yuhuang dadi, 玉皇大帝) and his celestial retinue. The Stone Monkey ( Shihou, 石猴) awakens and crawls around, before bowing to the four cardinal directions as light bursts forth from his eyes. The stone gestates for countless ages until the Zhou Dynasty (1046–256 BCE), when it hatches a stone egg that is eroded by the elements into a simian shape. In the beginning, the mystical energies of heaven and earth and the light of the sun and moon come together to impregnate a boulder high atop the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit ( Huaguo shan, 花果山), an island that lies in a vast ocean near the Aolai Country ( Aolai guo, 傲來國) of the Eastern Pūrvavideha continent ( Dongshengshen zhou, 東勝神洲). It will primarily focus on the first seven of the novel’s one hundred chapters, but chapters eight through one hundred will be briefly touched upon, along with a lesser-known literary sequel to Journey to the West. What follows is a concise overview of Monkey’s story. But unlike his western counterparts, the monkey repents, becoming a Buddhist monk and agreeing to use his abilities to protect a priest on his journey to collect sutras from India.

Like Loki in Norse mythology and Lucifer in Judeo-Christian mythology, this trickster god falls from grace when a supreme deity, in this case the Buddha, banishes him to an earthly prison below. 1), an immortal rhesus macaque demon, who gains extraordinary power from long years of spiritual cultivation and rebels against the primacy of heaven. The story follows the adventures of Sun Wukong (孫悟空, a.k.a. One of the most famous primate characters in world literature appears in the great Chinese classic Journey to the West ( Xiyouji, 西遊記, 1592 CE).